We just wrapped another successful Client Summit. Believe it or not, this was our 11th Summit and the first one in person post pandemic. The thing I love most about these events is the sharing. There is a lot of functionality in OpsCenter. Most of that functionality was driven by you, our extended Opterus family. How each of you all use the solution can vary greatly. I love seeing the amazing ways you use the tool to solve pain points within your organization and the looks on everyone’s faces as they think, ‘that would be a great thing to do in our business.’
The event kicks off with a welcome dinner where everyone gets to meet each other and break bread together. If you are a long-time client you know, that at Opterus, we care about the food! The full day of the summit kicked off with a great keynote. Then we have several clients present specific ways they are using the solution, from specific focus on regional and filed use to a total revamp of the system to fully take advantage of all the new things Opterus has to offer in the solution. We love the ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ session and of course, the crowd pleaser on day 2, the roadmap session.
I want to thank everyone who attended. We had a great group attend in person and thanks to those who jumped on remotely. There were great discussions during sessions and during breaks, groups huddled around the laptop of someone explaining how they did something cool within OpsCenter.
I’ll let the attendees speak for themselves about the event and I really hope to see you all in May 2024!
“Meeting people in person and having the opportunity to network was amazing, not only the food but having the opportunity to meet everyone in this setting.”
“While we have a lot of accomplishments, it was so beneficial seeing what components other companies were utilizing and how we can leverage to improve our business.”
“The Client Summit was a fantastic opportunity to network and understand how different companies are leveraging Opterus to improve their business.”
“Seeing how other clients use your platform to help us think differently and explore new ways of using it or features.”
“The Opterus team is not only an amazing group of individuals but also a team dedicated to tailor their tool to their client's need! Feedback is heard and actioned upon.”